Severn Freewheelers Emergency Voluntary Service
Severn Freewheelers is a group of Advanced motorcyclists who carry whole blood, pathology samples, patient scans/ x-rays, human donated milk, medicines, in fact any medical essentials, between hospitals in the region.

Our Service
We carry whole blood, pathology samples, patient scans / x-rays, human donated milk, medicines - in fact any medical essentials between hospitals in the 4 counties of our area. Our operational hours are from 7pm in the evening to 7am the following morning, Monday to Friday, though it’s fair to say we are all but done by midnight; and then there’s all day at weekends and Public Holidays, including Christmas and New Year.
All riders are volunteers and hold a current Advanced riding qualification (IAM or RoSPA) with a yearly check-ride. All receive extra training in the transport of goods under UN3733. In short, a professional team delivering a professional service, FREE to the NHS at the point of use.
Each "shift" consists of five people, a coordinator and four riders, one in each area. The coordinator receives calls from the hospitals and plans the route for the evening based on the calls received, with emergency calls being dealt with first. We may increase the complement of riders, at times, to cope with extra demand.
Severn Freewheelers is a registered charity (Charity No: 1120999) and we are always looking for help. If you feel that you would like to volunteer to either ride, drive, coordinate or assist with fundraising then please see our Volunteer page for more details.